UIUC Gies College of Business Graduate Programs Virtual Information Session @ National Chengchi University, Taiwan

    Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:00 AM until 7:00 AMCentral Standard Time UTC -06:00

    伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,縮寫為UIUC) 創建於1867年,坐落於伊利諾伊州幽靜的雙子城厄巴納–香檳市,是一所美國著名公立研究型大學。校友和教授中有30位獲得諾貝爾獎,25位獲得普利策獎。學校位列2022-23 CWUR世界大學排名第22位。是美國“十大聯盟(Big Ten)”創始成員,美國大學協會(AAU)成員,被譽為“公立常春藤”。
    伊大商學院 (Gies College of Business) 在北美公立商學院中排名前十。在 Gies,我們提供全球知名的會計、金融、金融工程、商業分析、管理科學和科技管理研究生課程。在本次活動中,您將了解厄巴納香檳的生活、伊利諾伊大學和Gies提供的世界級資源,以及各研究生項目信息。我們的招生官將討論各項目的亮點、就業資源和申請流程
    At Gies, we offer globally acclaimed graduate programs in accounting, finance, business analytics, management, and technology management. In this event, you will learn about life in Champaign-Urbana, the world-class resources offered at the University of Illinois and Gies, as well as information about each program we offer. Our admissions experts will discuss points of distinction, career outcomes, and the application process for each program.

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.